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How can I authenticate users via Face Recognition on my React JS website using FACEIO

Viewed 9202 times

As the title says, I want to authenticate users on my website via face recognition; therefore I need to integrate FACEIO on my React.js based web application, how do I do this?

Accepted Solution



Thanks for reaching, and welcome to the FACEIO Support center. To answer your question:

Implementing facial recognition on your website or web application to authenticate & identify your users is straightforward as shown in the steps below:
  1. Create a new FACEIO application first: Follow the Application Wizard on the FACEIO Console to create your first application and link it to your website or web application...
  2. Select a Facial Recognition Engine: Review Security & Privacy settings, Cloud or On-Premise deployment and customize the Widget look & feel, all done via the Application Wizard .
  3. Add the fio.js library to your Website: Implement fio.js, our facial recognition library on your website before rolling facial authentication to your audience...
  4. Roll facial authentication to your users: Congratulations 👏, you have FACEIO Up & Running. Now, it's time to enroll() and authenticate() your first user...
The following tutorials, and guides should help you get started with FACEIO:
  • Getting Started Tutorial: Learn the fundamentals. Your first steps with FACEIO...
  • Integration Guide: Learn how to implement fio.js, our facial recognition library on your website before rolling facial authentication to your audience...
  • Developer Center: Code samples, documentation, support channels, and all the resources you need to implement FACEIO on your website...
  • Trust Center: Learn how we handle your data securely and in compliance with privacy and legal requirements.

You may refer to the following, community tutorials for additional information: