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I want to delete a face id using console

Viewed 6599 times

I want to delete a face id using console

Accepted Solution



The Facial ID is a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) assigned anonymously by the underlying Facial Recognition Engine to each enrolled user on your FACEIO application, after its explicit consent. You can learn more about the Facial ID on its dedicated page.

Each enrolled user on your FACEIO application gets automatically & anonymously assigned an unique Facial ID by the underlying Facial Recognition Engine, after its explicit consent during enrollment. This design is especially directed to facilitating GDPR compliance through strong data protection and pseudo-anonymized data handling.

Facial enrollment occurs via a single call to the enroll() method of the fio.js, facial recognition JavaScript library you already implemented on your website.

To delete a Facial ID from a given FACEIO application, simply:

  • Make an API Call on your private backend to the DELETEFACIALID API endpoint. Effective call to this Rest API endpoint, shall completely purge the given Facial ID, associated payload data, and biometrics hash from your FACEIO application. You can learn more about this endpoint on its official documentation.
  • A Python code sample showcasing how to perform Facial ID deletion on your backend is available to consult via this Github Gist.