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Urgent Help Needed: Integrating FaceIO with React Mobile App for Hackathon

Viewed 21653 times

I am working on a hackathon project implementing FaceIO into our React mobile app. I only have a few days to work on the project and I've gotten stuck on the constructor "const faceio = new faceIO('app-public-id')". The only other change to the page is the import "import faceIO from '@faceio/fiojs';" which works fine until I add the previous line mentioned above. (These changes based on example here: https://github.com/symisc/faceio-npm). Any thoughts? Thanks!

Accepted Solution



  • First and foremost React != React Native This should help you to dig around and will of course help to why the document is not available.
  • The fio.js library is intended for web or mobile applications that run in the browser. When running in the context of a browser, the document element is available by default.
  • Now, the fix is to install the React Webview component and instantiate fio.js inside the Webview.
  • Refer to the forum question at: How Do I Implement FACEIO (fio.js) on My React Native App? for additional information.